At Trannack Primary School, we consider the safeguarding of all pupils to be of utmost importance.
For Crofty MAT academy policies please click on the link under Statutory Info.
For all our other policies please see the polices page on the website, or ask staff in the office.
At Trannack the Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) is Adam Boyes (Head of School) –
The Deputy DSLs are:
Linda May (Executive Headteacher) –
Lisa Barnett (Class Treacher) –
The Designated Teacher for Children in Care is Adam Boyes
The Specified Point of Contact for Prevent is Adam Boyes
Our Chair of Governors is Loveday Jenkin –
Our Safeguarding and Whistleblowing Governor is Loveday Jenkin –
If you have any child protection or safeguarding concerns about a child at Trannack School, please contact the school office (01326 572100) and ask to speak to any of the above.
If the office is closed, please do not delay in contacting any of the following numbers:
Emergency Services: 999
Devon and Cornwall Police: 101
Multi-Agency Referall Unit (MARU): 0300 1231 116
MARU out of hours: 01208 251300
Cornwall and Isles of Scilly Safeguarding Children Partnership: 01872 327255
Operation Encompass: Trannack School works in partnership with Devon and Cornwall Police to ensure that a member of school staff is trained to allow them to liaise with the police and to use the information that has been shared, in confidence. This will enable the school to provide appropriate support for the children, or their families, who have been involved in, or exposed to, a domestic abuse incident.
Safeguarding & Child Protection Policy – 2024-2025